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<aside> 👋 Welcome to Folio! Our platform lets you create stylish digital guidebooks for your Airbnb or short-term rental that guests will actually use. We’re excited to have you here!


Guidebook Overview

A digital guidebook is a web-based app you send to your guests, and includes property-specific information and local recommendations. Common things in a guide are:

Guidebooks are shared with guests by sending a single link or by scanning a QR code - no downloads are needed.

Our self-service platform lets you create and maintain stylish digital guidebooks 24/7. By giving your guests all the info they need in an easy-to-use web app, they have a more memorable stay, and you save hours by answering fewer questions.

You can create an account in 10 seconds by visiting dashboard.folio.guide/register.

Home Screen

This page is what guests will see first when they open your guide. From here, they can navigate to the Property Information or Activity Recommendations portion of the guidebook.

When creating your guide, you customize the Home Screen by adding information like your property name and address, uploading a photo, picking an accent color and font style, and more. The image below shows the Home Screen and calls out the customizable elements.


Property Information

The Property Information page of the guidebook tells your guests information related to your property and their stay.

Basic Information

When clicking into Property Information, guests are greeted with a welcome note, followed by important information about their stay: address and directions, contact info, and links you want to promote.

<aside> 💡 Pro Tip: Use the two buttons on the home screen to encourage repeat bookings, promote a social media site, or even another line of business (like real estate or property design services).


The images below highlights the customizable parts of basic property information.



Detailed Information

The lower half of the Property Information page shows a list of all the detailed information you’ve shared about your property. Common sections here include:

You can add up to 4 photos or YouTube videos per section to provide additional details.

You can also add subsections to a section to keep our information organized. For example, in the Kitchen section, you can create subsections for Coffee, Dishwasher, etc.


Activity Recommendations

The Activities portion of your guide has recommendations you’ve picked to share with guests. They can include a local grocery store, your favorite coffee shop, the most popular restaurant in town, and more.

Intro & Groupings

When navigating from the guidebook Home Screen, guests will see an Activities Intro page with a list of activity groupings to choose from. You can also include a personalized note.

*Note: the ability to customize your activity groupings is coming soon! In the meantime, use our default groupings: Provisions, Eat & Drink, See & Do, Services, Kid Friendly, Outdoorsy.


List View & Map View

Your recommended activities can be viewed as a list or via an interactive map. Your guests can toggle between the two views at the bottom of the screen.

In either view, activities can be filtered using the activity grouping filters across the top of the screen. Your guests can also search for an activity. Results will be displayed if the search term shows up in the Name, Category, Address or in your personalized note about the activity (see below). Clicking on an activity will open up Activities Details Page.

In the List View, activities are ordered with Favorites on top, then by distance from the house.

In the Map View, clicking on a pin will show an activity popup near the bottom of the screen



Activity Details

The Activity Details page shows the details of each activity you recommend to your guests. Most of the information is synced with Google Places, including the address, contact info, hours, Google rating.

You have the option to override the name, category and photo from Google Places, and include a personalized note. The text you use in the name, category, personalized note and the address will be searchable when in List View or Map View.


Sample Guidebook

View our sample guidebooks below — and click around, it’s interactive!
